Engineer Mindscape


Hi 👋, I'm Cristian

Here, I take you on a journey through all things tech, diving deep into how to implement solutions from web development to backend systems and infrastructure.

Whether you're a pro or just starting out, I will strive to explain in a way for all levels to understand. As Albert Einstein said, "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Most of the content will be focused on software development, productivity, and personal growth. I will also share my thoughts on the latest trends in technology and how they can be applied in real-world scenarios.

Let's get started!

My History

Over 10 years of experience in software development, I have worked on a wide range of projects from web development to backend systems, infrastructure, SmartTV 3D conferencing real-time systems to AI & LLM based products.

My Mission

Grasp as wide a range of technologies as possible and share my knowledge with others. I believe that knowledge is power and should be shared with the world to progress us towards space exploration and beyond.

Popular articles

Here are some of the most popular articles on the blog from a wide range of topics I cover.


Locally Testing Custom AWS Lambda Runtime Containers with Runtime Emulator Sidecar

By Cristian Boarna

Invoke Lambda's without adding the Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator locally or in the container

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From Zero to Hero: Deploying a Full-Stack monorepo with Web, API, and IaC in Just 5 Minutes

By Cristian Boarna

How to quickly rollout a basic 3 layer application repository for quick prototyping in NodeJS with shared code across all layers. From repository creation to being Internet accessible in minimum time.

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In-depth articles on concepts and techniques I encounter and apply in my professional and personal projects